23.05.2019, 09:32
Dans l'Amon Hen de janvier 2019 
Cool pour la bourse !
Dommage que ça tombe une année déjà chargée en événement français.

Citation :The Society has 1,700 members. Not long after I became chair, membership of the
Society fell to a low of 666 (a number impressively easy to remember) and I was
determined to see us realise a new website in order to achieve more members. 2018
was a fantastic year and our year-end figure was 1,720 members, up from 1,415 the
year before. Growth in new members continues at a steady pace, but our
achievement in 2018 was to drill down a little more on those who don’t renew, so the
number of lapsing members has decreased.
Cool pour la bourse !

Dommage que ça tombe une année déjà chargée en événement français.
"L'urgent est fait, l'impossible est en cours, pour les miracles prévoir un délai."