22.06.2024, 16:19
Selon un article du Telegraph tout juste paru, un chercheur d'Oxford aurait retrouvé un document de Lewis évoquant une rencontre publique en 1930, dans laquelle Tolkien aurait évoqué pour la première fois ses langues inventées, avant 1931 et sa conférence A Secret Vice:
Citation :the secretary of the club wrote in the meeting minutes: “It was a language of noticeably fluid, labial characteristics, especially suited to verse. It is impossible to describe by catalogue or summary the content and temper of this paper. To those reading the above account it might appear but a brilliant intellectualist pastime, a higher development of the odious crossword mind. No impression could be more false.”
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?