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Project Northmoor : un musée pour Tolkien ? Pas vraiment...
Project Northmoor : un musée pour Tolkien ? Pas vraiment...
Les choses à savoir avant de faire un don, pour savoir où vous mettrez les pieds.

« Bien ! Bien ! dit Barbebois. Mais j’ai parlé trop hâtivement. Il faut nous garder d’être hâtifs. Je me suis trop échauffé. Je dois me calmer et réfléchir ; car il est plus facile de crier holà ! que de le mettre, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire. » Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Livre III, Chapitre 4
"L'urgent est fait, l'impossible est en cours, pour les miracles prévoir un délai."
À un mois de la fin, il n'y a que 17% qui est financé par le site.
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?
Hop !

Citation :Dear friends,
Thank you for all your wonderful support over the last three months. Sadly, we weren’t able to find a route to fund the purchase of the house before the vendor chose another party. We are sorry we couldn’t get there faster but we gave it our all. We’ve been entirely staffed by volunteers so thank you to everyone who helped run the campaign.
The story is not at an end. This news means we will set up the literary centre elsewhere in Oxford (more on this to come). You will still be able to visit Tolkien’s city and the places that inspired his writing once the world starts travelling again. The first online course begins on April 20th so the work of the centre is already underway.
As we said on the website, we will shortly be emailing everyone who has contributed and gave us their contact details. Depending on the channel of their gift, this message will explain the next steps. For donors through PayPal and JustGiving, they will have the choice of funding the work of the centre or asking for their donation to be returned (less the platform’s fee). For donors through Signatry or Stewardship the donation has to be used for a charitable purpose and so we will be writing to those donors with more options.
If you are a donor and did not give us your contact details, please follow further announcements on this website.
A big thank you once again!
The Team at Project Northmoor
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?

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