22.01.2005, 20:24
Hélas pour moi, je n'arrive pas à retrouver le sujet où j'ai cité le passage où Christopher disait explicitement avoir écrit le chapitre 22 du Silmarillion...
Vais donc le retaper en entier :
Les passages en gras me paraissent plus qu'explicites.
Vais donc le retaper en entier :
Christopher Tolkien a écrit :This story was not lightly or easily conceived, but was the outcome of long experimentation among alternative conceptions. In this work Guy Kay took a major part, and the chapter that I finally wrote owes much to my discussions with him. It is, and was, obvious that a step was being taken of a different order from any other 'manipulation' of my father's own writing in the course of the book: even in the case of the story of The Fall of Gondolin, to which my father had never returned, something could be contrived without introducing radical changes in the narrative. It seemed at that time that there were elements inherent in the story of the Ruin of Doriath as it stood that were radically incompatible with 'The Silmarillion' as projected, and that there was here an inescapable choice: either to abandon that conception, or else to alter the story. I think now that this was a mistaken view, and that the undoubted difficulties could have been, and should have been, surmounted without so far overstepping the bounds of the editorial function.
A note on Chapter 22 Of the Ruin of Doriath in the published Silmarillion, HoMe XI
Les passages en gras me paraissent plus qu'explicites.
The gods forgot they made me, so I forget them too
I listen to the shadows, I play among their graves
I listen to the shadows, I play among their graves