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[Jeu de rôle] The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying 5E
Le supplément VO Keepers of the Elven-rings pour le jeu de rôle Lord of the Rings 5E est disponible en précommande sur le site de Free League (et la version The One Ring est aussi disponible ici).

Citation :Chapter 1: Where The West-elves Still Linger describes the realms of Lórien, Rivendell and Lindon and those who dwell there, including the Elf-lords who are their guardians.
Chapter 2: The Days Darken provides the Loremaster with details about Sauron’s schemes against the Immortal Folk, including possible events, Adversaries, and Loremaster characters.
Chapter 3: Landmarks outlines twelve sites of interest, including locations mentioned in The Lord of the Rings™ and others created specifically for the game.
The Appendix contains rules to play High Elves of Rivendell and Elves of Lórien, and introduces guidelines to create Elf-lords, powerful characters especially suited for solo play.

À noter que la version .pdf est téléchargeable immédiatement après l'achat.

Pas de traduction VF prévue à l'heure actuelle.

Messages dans ce sujet
RE: [Jeu de rôle] The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying 5E - par Irwin - 10.12.2024, 18:44

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