18.06.2020, 22:28
C'est une déduction en "creux" que j'ai fait ; en effet, ce texte a un tout autre propos. Et pour contrer cette déduction, les Annales d'Aman et les Annales Grises (1951-5 sont limpides sur le sujet :
Potentiellement, le texte n°2 des Mythes transformés a été écrit après les 2 Annales, mais rien n'est moins sûr.
HOME 10 pp75-82 a écrit :1090-2 : $48 Melkor met the onset of the Valar in the North-west of Middle-earth, and all that region was much broken. [...] But after two years the Valar passed into the far North and began the long siege of Utumno.
1092-1100 : $49 That siege was long and grievous, and many battles were fought before its gates of which naught but the rumour is known to the Quendi.
1099 : $50 [...] Tulkas stood forth as champion of the Valar and wrestled with him and cast him upon his face, and bound him with the chain Angainor. Thus ended the first war of the West upon the North.
1105 : $58 The Eldar now prepared for their Great March, and they went in three hosts.
1115. $59 Long and slow was the March of the Eldar into the West [...]
HOME 11 pp 5-6 a écrit :1090 : $6. At this time the Valar came hither from Aman for their assault upon Melkor
1115 : $8. Even as the Valar had come first to Beleriand as they went eastward, so later Orome leading the hosts of the Eldar westwards towards Aman brought them to the shores of Beleriand. [...] In this year of the Valar, therefore, the foremost companies of the Vanyar and Noldor passed through the vale of Sirion and came to the sea-coast between Drengist and the Bay of Balar. [...]
Potentiellement, le texte n°2 des Mythes transformés a été écrit après les 2 Annales, mais rien n'est moins sûr.
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