21.05.2015, 21:35
Le sommaire du volume 12, dont un article "ultra-rare" de Tolkien, une nécrologie de Henry Bradley qui l'a embauché sur l'Oxford English Dictionary :
A noter cette année, un changement de format qui passe par un changement de couverture (on passe d'une couverture dure à une souple), ce qui va sans doute diminuer le prix d'achat (ce qui n'est pas peu dire) et que par un nouveau design, dans la lignée de l'ancien.
Citation :- Kelly M. Wickham-Crowley, "'Mind to Mind': Tolkien's Faërian Drama and the Middle English Sir Orfeo"
- Kris Swank, "The Irish Otherworld Voyage of Roverandom"
- Simon Cook, "The Peace of Frodo: On the Origin of an English Mythology"
- Carrol Fry, "'Two Musics about the Throne of Ilúvatar': Gnostic and Manichaean Dualism in The Silmarillion"
- Alban Gautier, "From Dejection in Winter to Victory in Spring: Aragorn and Alfred, Parallel Episodes?"
- Sherrylyn Branchaw, "Boromir: Breaker of the Fellowship?"
Notes and Documents
- J.R.R. Tolkien, "Henry Bradley, 3 Dec. 1845-23 May 1923," an obituary for his supervisor at the Oxford English Dictionary, with commentary by Tom Shippey and Peter Gilliver
Book Reviews
- Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary together with Sellic Spell, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, reviewed by Michael D.C. Drout
- The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond, reviewed by Richard C. West
- A Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Stuart D. Lee, reviewed by Jorge Luis Bueno-Alonso
- Tolkien: The Forest and the City, edited by Helen Conrad-O'Briain and Gerard Hynes, reviewed by Patrick Curry
- Tolkien, by Raymond Edwards, reviewed by David Bratman
- "The Year's Work in Tolkien Studies 2012," by Merlin DeTardo, Jason Fisher, David Bratman, Marjorie Burns, John Wm. Houghton, John Magoun
- "Bibliography (in English) for 2013," compiled by Rebecca Epstein and David Bratman
A noter cette année, un changement de format qui passe par un changement de couverture (on passe d'une couverture dure à une souple), ce qui va sans doute diminuer le prix d'achat (ce qui n'est pas peu dire) et que par un nouveau design, dans la lignée de l'ancien.
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?