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[Parution VO] The Return of the Ring: Proceedings of the TS Conference 2012
Les conférences du festival The Return of the Ring qui s'est déroulé à Loughborough en août 2012 vont être publiées en juin prochain sous la forme de deux volumes.

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Voici le contenu :

Volume 1
Foreword by Shaun Gunner, Introduction by Lynn Forest-Hill,
1 - Tolkien's Birmingham by Robert S. Blackham;
2 - J.R.R. Tolkien's 'second father' Fr. Francis Morgan and other non-canonical influences by José Manuel Ferrández Bru;
3 - Tolkien's Oxford by Robert S. Blackham;
4 - J.R.R. Tolkien and the origins of the Inklings by Colin Duriez;
5 - Robert Quilter Gilson, T.C.B.S.: A brief life in letters by John Garth;
6 - Tolkien: the War Years by Robert S. Blackham;
7 - Sauron Revealed by LeiLani Hinds;
8 - Clean Earth to Till:A Tolkienian Vision of War by Anna E. Thayer (née Slack);
9 - The Importance of Home in the Middle-earth Legendarium by Sara Brown;
10 - Tolkien versus the history of philosophy by Franco Manni;
11 - Tolkien's Boethius, Alfred's Boethius by Gerard Hynes;
12 - Teaching Leadership and Ethics through Tolkien by Laura Miller-Purrenhage;
13 - Tolkien - Pagan or Christian? A proposal for a 'new' synthetic approach by Claudio A. Testi;
14 - A Latter-day Saint reading of Tolkien by James D. Holt;
15 - Tolkien's Magic by Ronald Hutton;
16 - Cyclic cataclysms, Semitic stereotypes and religious reforms: a classicist's Númenor by Pamina Fernández Camacho;
17 - From 2012 AD to Atlantis and Back Again - Tolkien's Circular Journey in Time by Xavier de la Huerga;
18 - The Notion Club Papers: A Summary by David Doughan;
19 - Myth-Making: How J. R. R. Tolkien Adapted Mythopoeia from Old English by Zachary A. Rhone;
20 - J. R. R. Tolkien's Mythopoeia and Familiarisation of Myth: Hobbits as Mediators of Myth in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by Jyrki Korpua;
21 - White riders and new world orders: Nature and technology in Theodor Storm's Der Schimmelreiter and J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings by Larissa Budde.

Volume 2
Introduction by Lynn Forest-Hill,
1 - Tolkienesque Transformations: Post-Celticism and Possessiveness in 'The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun' by Yoko Hemmi;
2 - Tolkien's Devices: The Heraldry of Middle-earth by Jamie McGregor;
3 - Tolkien and the Gothic by Nick Groom;
4 - Frodo and Faramir: Mirrors of Chivalry by Constance G.J. Wagner;
5 - An Old Light Rekindled: Tolkien's Influence on Fantasy by Anna E. Thayer (née Slack);
6 - 'In the memory of old wives': Old Tales and Fairy-stories in Middle-earth by Troels Forchhammer;
7 - Tolkien and Nonsense by Maureen F. Mann;
8 - Stars Above a Dark Tor: Tolkien and Romanticism by Anna E. Thayer (née Slack);
9 - The Ainulindale and Tolkien's Approach to Modernity by Reuven Naveh;
10 - Tolkien, the Russians and Industrialisation by Jim Clarke;
11 - Legal bother: Law and related matters in The Hobbit by Murray Smith;
12 - Tolkien's Faërian Drama: Origins and Valedictions by Janet Brennan Croft;
13 - Tolkien's women of Middle-earth by Chris Barclay;
14 - Colours in Tolkien by Christopher Kreuzer;
15 - Thirty Years of Tolkien Fandom by Nancy Martsch.

Pour l'instant, seule la précommande est possible sur le site de l'éditeur au prix réduit de 20 £ pour le set de deux volumes (sinon 12 £ prix réduit par volume) ; pour nous étrangers, il faut envoyer un mail à l'éditeur pour un prix personnalisé. Je vais tâcher de me renseigner à ce sujet.

Je suppose que la Tolkien Society le proposera via son site, sur lequel le set est déjà noté mais sans prix indiqué pour l'instant. Sur Amazon, seuls les versions Kindle sont pour le moment disponibles.

EDIT : l'éditrice à besoin du code postal pour donner un prix. Elle propose aussi une vente groupée. Enfin, selon elle, le prix de vente sera d'une trentaine d'euros sur Amazon (contre 26 euros en prévente sans les frais de port), donc je ne sais pas si c'est beaucoup plus rentable de faire la prévente. Le prix Tolkien Society sera le prix éditeur, par contre.

Citation :I would need a postcode to calculate the exact price for each individual order.
However, since you are a group, would you consider receiving the full order on
behalf of the members? In this way you would all save money on shipping.

If this is agreeable, you can tell me the exact number of set or individual books
you require, the full address, and I can give you the cost.
Knowing how much the set and each individual book costs, you would only need to
remove the difference to know your shopping cost and divide it between members.

On Amazon and other retailers, the volumes will be more expensive (30 Euro each),
compare to our website or the Tolkien Society website, but of course you can check
them anyway, to see if it's easier for you to order through them.
The UK price, £20 for the set and £12 for each volume (during the pre-order time),
needs to be converted into Euro, and that can vary slightly according to when the
order is placed. Right now, £20 are roughly 26 Euro for the set.
Once you are ready to make the payment through the website, the payment system will
be in Sterling, which means it will convert the right amount of Euros to pay.
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?
L'éditrice a finalement rajouté la France parmi les pays destinataires, pour un paiement Paypal de moins de 5 sets. Il vous faudra choisir entre trois options de frais de port :
Economy (7-10 business days, not trackable or insurable) £6.40
Standard (4-7 b.d., not trackable or insurable) £8.20
Premium (2-7 b.d. Ups trackable) £11.60
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?

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