14.01.2004, 17:13
Naska a écrit :Pour ma part je trouve cela assez etrange qu'ils ne prennent pas part a l'action du SDA............D'ailleur il ne me semble que Tolkien ne fait pas allusion a cette region de la terre du mileu apres la victoire contre Sauron.... mais il se peut que je me trompe je n'ai pas de source a disposition.Effectivement
Pourtant le front du Nord est tenu par les courageux hommes de Dale et leurs amis de longue date les Barbesfleurie (pour faire plaisir à Kehl...)
Je ne vais pas faire plaisir mais dans les appendices du SDA n(on disponible en format word et francais) on trouve à la toute fin de :
Citation :At the same time as the great armies besieged Minas Tirith a host of the allies of Sauron that had long threatened the borders of King Brand crossed the River Carnen, and Brand was driven back to Dale. There he had the aid of the Dwarves of Erebor; and there was a great battle at the Mountain's feet It lasted three days, but in the end both King Brand and King Dáin Ironfoot were slain, and the Easterlings had the victory. But they could not take the Gate. and many, both Dwarves and Men, took refuge in Erebor, and there withstood a siege.
When news came of the great victories in the South, then Sauron's northern army was filled with dismay; and the besieged came forth and routed them, and the remnant fled into the East and troubled Dale no more. Then Bard II, Brand's son, became King in Dale, and Thorin III Stonehelm, Dáin's son, became King under the Mountain. They sent their ambassadors to the crowning of King Elessar; and their realms remained ever after, as long as they lasted, in friendship with Gondor; and they were under the crown and protection of the King of the West.