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Taille des Nains
J'en profite pour te remettre une reponse partielle et qui confirme la tienne que j'ai posté chez moi (je partage ici Wink )

Contes inachevés troisième age a écrit :....The Folk of Haleth called them by the name drûg, that being a word of their own language. To the eyes of Elves and other Men they were unlovely in looks: they were stumpy (some four foot high) but very broad, with heavy buttocks and short thick legs; ....

puis plus loin....

My father was at pains to emphasize the radical difference between the Drúedain and the Hobbits. They were of quite different physical shape and appearance. The Drúedain were taller, and of heavier and stronger build. Their facial features were unlovely (judged by general human standards); and while the head-hair of the Hobbits was abundant (but close and curly) the Drúedain had only sparse and lank hair on their heads and none at all on their legs and feet. They were at times merry and gay, like Hobbits, but they had a grimmer side to their nature and could be sardonic and ruthless; and they had, or were credited with, strange or magical powers. They were moreover a frugal people, eating sparingly even in times of plenty and drinking nothing but water. In some ways they resembled rather the Dwarves: in build and stature and endurance; in their skill in carving stone; in the grim side of their character; and in their strange powers. But the "magic" skills with which the Dwarves were credited were quite different; and the Dwarves were far grimmer, and also long-lived, whereas the Drúedain were short-lived compared with other kinds of Men.

c'est en anglais mais c'est bien dans l'édition francaise, et je ne voulais pas me taper toute la frappe !!!

Anglin, pour vous servir .....

Messages dans ce sujet
Taille des Nains - par Lilith - 09.05.2003, 10:43
[Pas de titre] - par Iluvatar - 09.05.2003, 12:12
[Pas de titre] - par Harakiwi - 09.05.2003, 16:05
[Pas de titre] - par Melian - 09.05.2003, 19:49
merci lilith !! - par Anglin - 12.05.2003, 15:47
[Pas de titre] - par Lilith - 12.05.2003, 18:28

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