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Les nains, leurs peuples et leurs coutumes
C'est une information extraite de l'essai « Of Dwarves and Men » ; cf. PM, p. 284–285 :

Tolkien a écrit :After that they [the Dwarves] hardened and took on the appearance of age (by human standards) very quickly. By forty all Dwarves looked much alike in age, until they reached what they regarded as old age, about 240. They then began to age and wrinkle and go white quickly (baldness being unknown among them), unless they were going to be long-lived, in which case the process was delayed. [...] Otherwise ‘old age’ lasted not much more than ten years, and from say 40 or a little before to near 240 (two hundred years) the capacity for toil (and for fighting) of most Dwarves was equally great.
Rollant est proz e Oliver est sage.
Ambedui unt merveillus vasselage :
Puis que il sunt as chevals e as armes,
Ja pur murir n’eschiverunt bataille.
La Chanson de Roland

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