27.05.2003, 13:40
HoME XI,Relations of the Longbeard Dwarves and Men. a écrit :At that time the migrations of Men from the East and
South had brought advance-guards into Beleriand; but they
were not in great numbers, though further east in Eriador and
Rhovanion (especially in the northern parts) their kindred must
already have occupied much of the land. There dealings
between Men and the Longbeards must soon have begun. For
the Longbeards, though the proudest of the seven kindreds,
were also the wisest and the most farseeing. Men held them in
awe and were eager to learn from them; and the Longbeards
were very willing to use Men for their own purposes. Thus there
grew up in those regions the economy, later characteristic of the
dealings of Dwarves and Men (including Hobbits): Men became
the chief providers of food, as herdsmen, shepherds, and land-
tillers, which the Dwarves exchanged for work as builders,
roadmakers, miners, and the makers of things of craft, from
useful tools to weapons and arms and many other things of
great cost and skill. To the great profit of the Dwarves. Not only
to be reckoned in hours of labour, though in early times the
Dwarves must have obtained goods that were the product of
greater and longer toil than the things or services that they gave
in exchange
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