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Actes du colloque de Birmingham (2005)
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Section One: Tolkien's Life

The Ace Copyright Affair
Nancy Martsch

"As under a green sea": visions of war in the Dead Marshes
John Garth

Invented, Borrowed, and Mixed Myths in the "kinds of books we want to read"
Sharin Schroeder

The Complexity of Tolkien's Attitude Towards the Second World War
Franco Manni and Simone Bonechi

Romantic Conservatives: The Inklings in Their Political Context
Charles A. Coulombe

We Had Nothing to Say to One Another — J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams, Another Look
Eric Rauscher

On Tolkien, and Williams, and Tolkien on Williams
Richard Sturch.

Section Two: Tolkien's Literary Achievement

Containment and Progression in J.R.R. Tolkien's World
Marjorie Burns

Approaching Reality in The Lord of the Rings
Andrea Ulrich

Tolkien as a Benchmark of Comparative Literature — Middle-earth in Our World
Giovanni Agnoloni

From Beowulf to Post-modernism: Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching of J.R.R.Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Robin Anne Reid and Judy Ann Ford

The Great Questions
Ella van Wyk

Unlocking Supplementary Events in the Dreams, Visions, and Prophesies of J.R.R. Tolkien's Work
Catherine Hefferan-Hays

Iron Crown, Iron Cage: Tolkien and Weber on Modernity and Enchantment
Patrick Curry

Life as a Shared Story: Narrative Freedom in The Lord of the Rings
Tanya Glofcheskie

Descriptions of Nature in The Lord of the Rings: Outline of a method for analysis
Tanya Glofcheskie

J.R.R.Tolkien: Our Post-modern Contemporary
Ralph C. Wood

Tolkien, the author and the critic: Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and The Lord of the Rings
Vincent Ferré

Tolkien: A Man of His Time?
Anna Vaninskaya

Section Three: Tolkien in Other Lands

Tolkien's Legacy in Brazil
Thomaz Brasil

The Polish Story of The Lord of the Rings
Anna Dabkkowska

The Translation of Tolkien's work into Spanish and Catalan
Helios De Rosario-Martínez

Place Names in the Italian Translation of The Lord of the Rings
Roberto Arduini and Raffaella Benvenuto

Russian Followers of J.R.R.Tolkien
Natalya Prilutskaya

Section Four: Other Voices

J.R.R.Tolkien and Alexander Grin: Two Literary "Cults" in the USSR and Post-Soviet Russia.
Nataliya Oryshchuk

The Hunt for the One Tolkien
Wolfgang Penetsdorfer

Tolkien and Moorcock: Achieving literary depth through vertical and horizontal explorations of time
David Emerson

After the Inklings
Charles Butler

Tolkien in fiction
Colin Duriez

Section Five: The Telling of Tales: Myth and Storytelling

Across No Man's Land
Ian Russell Lowell

Tolkien and Universality
Kate Karegeorgi

"Tell Them Stories": The Consciousness of Myth in Tolkien and Pullman
Kristina Sepe

Storytelling in the White Council
Rosana Rios

Putting the Paratext in Context
Allan Turner

Section Six: Tolkien's People

The concept of masculinity in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Beatriz Domínguez Ruiz

Frodo's Temptation, Frodo's Failure
Douglas Charles Rapier

Tolkien's "Love Triangle": Aragorn's Relationships with Êowyn and Arwen
Romuald (Ronnie) Ian Lakowski

The Riddle of Strider: A Cognitive Linguistic Reading
Melody Green

Male Friendship in The Lord of the Rings: Medievalism, the First World War, and Contemporary Rewritings
Anna Smol

The Time That Is Given To Us: Hope, Sacrifice, and Courage in The Lord of the Rings
Nicole Topham

Transfigured Sadness: Characterizations of Sadness in The Lord of the Rings
David Weber

The War Within: Frodo as Sacrificial Hero
Constance G.J. Wagner

Galadriel and Her Lovers
Beth Russell

The Fallacies of Power: Frodo's Resistance to the Ring
Judith Klinger

Courage and the Ability to Adapt
Lynnette R. Porter

Section Seven: Tolkien's Legacy

Why Is Tolkien So Popular?
Nils Ivar Agøy

Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings: An Inspiration for Education and Study Worldwide
Patty Howerton

Tolkien's Middle-earth: Lesson Plans for Secondary School Educators
Patty Howerton

Teaching Tolkien
Mike Foster

The Fantasy Genre and its Characteristics
Miriam Glasser

Section Eight: Theology and the Nature of Good and Evil

The Everlasting Hobbit: Perspectives on the Human in Tolkien's Mythos
Donald T. Williams

Divine presence and providence in The Lord of the Rings
Davide Cattaneo

Fellowship and the Rings: An Ecumenical Approach to Tolkien
Greg Wright

The Pagan Tolkien
Ronald Hutton

Satan and The Silmarillion: John Milton's Angelic Decline in J.R.R. Tolkien's Melkor
Zach Watkins

Mortality and Immortality: A panel discussion on "Mortality and Immortality"
Zach Watkins

Catholic "contrafactura" of myth in some J.R.R. Tolkien's writings
Pedro Ángeles-Ruiz (UNAM)

Tolkien and Christianity
Beppe Roncari and Davide Cattaneo

The Underworld in Tolkien's Novel The Lord of the Rings
Dean Slavic

Different concepts of evil in The Lord of the Rings?
Thomas Fornet-Ponse

I Pity Even His Slaves: Tolkien and the Theology of Evil
Tim McKenzie

Hobbits, Tolkien, and God: Writing Eucatastrophe and the Problem of Evil
Jill Delsigne

Section Nine: Tolkien's Sources

How much does Tolkien owe to the work of George MacDonald?
Colin Manlove

Immortality and the death of love: J.R.R. Tolkien and Simone de Beauvoir
Renée Vink

Influences of the Kalevala in The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
Sash Uusjärv

Which story, I wonder? said Gandalf… Was Tolkien the real Ring-thief?
Michael Scott Rohan

Tolkien's writings in Old Germanic languages
Maria Artamanova

Hobbit Names Aren't From Kentucky
David Bratman

Some possible origins of the Stewards of Gondor
Murray Smith

Sir Gawain's Pentangle
Joe R. Christopher

Reluctant Warrior: Tolkien's conflicted language in The Lord of the Rings
Christina Fawcett

William Morris's influence on J.R.R.Tolkien
Jessica Yates

Section Ten: Middle-earth at the Movies

Peter Jackson and Tolkien's Catholicism
LeiLani Hinds

Implicit and Explicit Treatments of Catholic Imagery in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Jackson's Film Trilogy
DawnEllen Jacobs

Peregrin's "Journey in the Dark": Jackson's Substitution in Agency
Lance Weldy

One Ring to Rule Them All: Power and Surveillance in the Film Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings
Cherylynn Silvia

Eyeing Sauron: Tolkien in the language of film
Gwydion M. Williams

Songs of Innocence and Experience: Tolkien at the Movies
Christopher Garbowski

Logos, the Silver Path to The Lord of the Rings: The Word in Novel and Film Writing
Maggie Fernandes

Tolkien's Books and Peter Jackson's Films
Martin Barker

Section Eleven: Tolkien's World

A Fund of Wise Sayings: Proverbiality in Tolkien
Tom Shippey

From Conqueror to Citizen: Tolkien's Fantastic Ecology
Luke Niiler

J.R.R. Tolkien's Love of Words The Revelatory Nature of Tolkien's Aphorisms in The Lord of the Rings
Charles E. Bressler

Crossing the Threshold: Doors and Other Passageways in Tolkien's Words and Images
C. Riley Auge`

Two Legs Bad, Four Legs Good, Eight Legs Evil?
Ian Russell Lowell

The Problem of Machine Technology in The Lord of the Rings
Natalya Prilutskaya

Frozen Nature: Abiding Technology in Tolkien's World
Michael J. Colvin

Numbers in Tolkien
Christopher Kreuzer

Material Culture and Materiality in Middle-earth: Tolkien and Archaeology
Dimitra Fimi

Influence of Climate on Myth: Tolkien's Theory and Practice
Rhona Beare

The Question of the "Round Arda": An Abandoned Idea, or Another Perspective on Tolkien's Legendarium
Michal Lesniewski

"I will [not] serve the master of the Precious": Bataille's Economy in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Benjamin Rollins

Dealing with Elvish Languages
Carolina A. Panero

Niggle's picture – Parish's Garden: Gardens in Tolkien's Work
Christian Weichmann

The loss of the Entwives: the biological dimension of gender construction in The Lord of the Rings
Margarita Carretero-González

Tolkien and Nature
Anna Adamczyk "Nifrodel"

A Little Earth of His Own: Tolkien's Lunar Creation Myths
Kristine Larsen

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"Come Frodo, there! Where be you a-going? Old Tom Bombadil's not as blind as that yet. Take off your golden ring! Your hand's more fair without it."
Concrètement c'est un gros bouquin avec des études sur Tolkien?
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?
Ca reprend l'ensemble des conférences données Smile
"Come Frodo, there! Where be you a-going? Old Tom Bombadil's not as blind as that yet. Take off your golden ring! Your hand's more fair without it."
Ok merci. Je vais me renseigner sur ce fameux colloque car à l'époque je n'imaginais même pas qu'on faisait des colloques sur Tolkien. Je n'étais même pas encore enregistré sur un seul forum de Tolkien. Rolling Eyes

Edit: 61€ le bouquin quand même Shocked
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?

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