25.01.2008, 20:13
Happy Birthay!
Bon anniversaire Moumix!
25.01.2008, 20:13
Happy Birthay!
25.01.2008, 21:21
Jyyyyx Ynnyvyrsyyry Myymyx (comprend qui pourra)
25.01.2008, 21:21
Bon n'anniv !
The gods forgot they made me, so I forget them too
I listen to the shadows, I play among their graves
25.01.2008, 21:22
Myymyx c'est mignon.
Enfin joyeux anniversaire...
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?
25.01.2008, 21:25
26.01.2008, 02:22
Heureux anniversaire !
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