01.06.2009, 22:13
Une petite précision : Thingol a vu la Lumière des Arbres, puisqu'il fut l'un des trois Quendi envoyés de son peuple à Valinor (cf. Silm:III/3) :
Tolkien a écrit :But the Elves were at first unwilling to hearken to the summons, for they had as yet seen the Valar only in their wrath as they went to war, save Oromë alone; and they were filled with dread. Therefore Oromë was sent again to them, and he chose from among them ambassadors who should go to Valinor and speak for their people; and these were Ingwë, Finwë and Elwë, who afterwards were kings. And coming they were filled with awe by the glory and majesty of the Valar, and desired greatly the light and splendour of the Trees.
Rollant est proz e Oliver est sage.
Ambedui unt merveillus vasselage :
Puis que il sunt as chevals e as armes,
Ja pur murir n’eschiverunt bataille.
— La Chanson de Roland
Ambedui unt merveillus vasselage :
Puis que il sunt as chevals e as armes,
Ja pur murir n’eschiverunt bataille.
— La Chanson de Roland