J'ai retrouvé la source de mon affirmation précédente :
"In the Second Age their king, Oropher [the father of Thranduil, father of Legolas], had withdrawn northward beyond the Gladden Fields. This he did to be free from the power and encroachments of the Dwarves of Moria, which had grown to be the greatest of the mansions of the Dwarves recorded in history; and also he resented the intrusions of Celeborn and Galadriel into Lórien."
Unfinished Tales, History of Galadriel and Celeborn, p.334
"In the Second Age their king, Oropher [the father of Thranduil, father of Legolas], had withdrawn northward beyond the Gladden Fields. This he did to be free from the power and encroachments of the Dwarves of Moria, which had grown to be the greatest of the mansions of the Dwarves recorded in history; and also he resented the intrusions of Celeborn and Galadriel into Lórien."
Unfinished Tales, History of Galadriel and Celeborn, p.334
Rollant est proz e Oliver est sage.
Ambedui unt merveillus vasselage :
Puis que il sunt as chevals e as armes,
Ja pur murir n’eschiverunt bataille.
— La Chanson de Roland
Ambedui unt merveillus vasselage :
Puis que il sunt as chevals e as armes,
Ja pur murir n’eschiverunt bataille.
— La Chanson de Roland