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[Parution] Recueils de Verlyn Flieger
J'ouvre ce fuseau pour signaler la sortie prochaine de l'ouvrage Green Suns and Faerie: Essays on J. R. R. Tolkien de Verlyn Flieger. La version française d'amazon indique le 15 octobre (les autres ne donnent aucune date). Il s'agit d'un recueil de ses précédents articles sur Tolkien qui contiendrait certains inédits.
Une fiche existe d'ores et déjà sur le site : ici.

Un site italien nous donne le sommaire suivant (que je n'ai pas inclus dans la fiche, faute de pouvoir en vérifier la véracité) :

Part 1: Tolkien Sub-creator
* Fantasy and Reality: J.R.R. Tolkien’s World and the Fairy-story Essay [Mythlore 22 (1999)]
* The Music and the Task: Fate and Free Will in Middle-earth [Tolkien Studies 6 (2009)]
* Tolkien and the Idea of the Book [The Lord of the Rings 1954–2004, ed. Hammond e Scull]
* Tolkien on Tolkien: “On Fairy-stories”, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
* When is a Fairy story a Faërie Story? Smith of Wootton Major [Myth and Magic: Art according to the Inklings, ed. Segura and Honegger]
* The Footsteps of Ælfwine [Tolkien’s ‘Legendarium’, ed. Flieger and Hostetter]
* The Curious Incident of the Dream at the Barrow [Tolkien Studies 4 (2007)]
* Whose Myth Is It?

Part 2: Tolkien in tradition
* Tolkien’s Wild Men From Medieval to Modern [Tolkien the Medievalist, ed. Chance]
* Tolkien and the Matter of Britain [Mythlore 87 (Estate/Autunno 2000)]
* Frodo and Aragorn: The Concept of the Hero [Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives, ed. Isaacs and Zimbardo]
* Bilbo’s Neck Riddle
* Allegory Versus Bounce: Tolkien’s Smith of Wootton Major [Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 12/2 (2001)]
* A Mythology for Finland: Tolkien and Lönnrot as Mythmakers [Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader, ed. Chance]
* Tolkien, Kalevala, and “The Story of Kullervo” [Tolkien Studies 7 (2010)]
* Brittany and Wales in Middle-earth
* The Green Knight, the Green Man, and Treebeard: Scholarship and Invention in Tolkien’s Fiction [Scholarship and Fantasy, ed. Battarbee]
* Missing Person [Mythlore 46 (Estate 1986)]

Part 3: Tolkien and His Century
* A Cautionary Tale: Tolkien’s Mythology for England [The Chesterton Review 28.1/2 (Febbraio/Maggio 2002); ristampato in A Hidden Presence: The Catholic Imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Boyd and Caldecott]
* The Mind, the Tongue, and the Tale
* A Postmodern Medievalist [Tolkien’s Modern Middle Ages, ed. Chance e Siewers]
* Taking the Part of Trees: Eco-conflict in Middle-earth [J.R.R. Tolkien and His Literary Resonances, ed. Clark and Timmons]
* Gilson, Smith, and Baggins [Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings: Sources of Inspiration, ed. Caldecott and Honegger]
* The Body in Question: The Unhealed Wounds of Frodo Baggins
* A Distant Mirror: Tolkien and Jackson in the Looking-glass [Studies in Medievalism: Postmodern Medievalisms, Volume XIII (2003; pubblicato nel 2005)]


Info complémentaire : La couverture est apparemment de Ted Nasmith.

Messages dans ce sujet
[Parution] Recueils de Verlyn Flieger - par Caldea - 13.10.2011, 00:03

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