23.10.2002, 11:53
G rey Cloaked pilgrim and old storyteller,
A sword in his hand called the Foe-Hammer,
N oble man, great wizdom anywhere he is known,
D warf, elf and hobbit and by any kind of man,
A s a dommed wizard or as a common one.
L ong and hard the travel, for the lord to reach throne,
F rom the darkest mordor to the Haven of Lindon.
Anglin Turcam, 1988, premier poème écrit
G rey Cloaked pilgrim and old storyteller,
A sword in his hand called the Foe-Hammer,
N oble man, great wizdom anywhere he is known,
D warf, elf and hobbit and by any kind of man,
A s a dommed wizard or as a common one.
L ong and hard the travel, for the lord to reach throne,
F rom the darkest mordor to the Haven of Lindon.
Anglin Turcam, 1988, premier poème écrit