25.07.2009, 15:47
Citation :D'où la question, "Qui est 'on' ?"
Pour la source de Wiki concernant l'information, elle provient de cet interview de Guillermo Del Toro retranscrite sur le site de MTV :
ICI pour la totalité du sujet.
Citation :Q: You've repeatedly mentioned your desire to include Ian Holm, but given a lot of circumstances, it seems unlikely to me that he would return for all the action. Would you use him as a narrator, or in a framing device? Something like him reading "There and Back Again" to young hobbits? — MTV News
Del Toro: If Ian Holm is able and willing and in health and in disposition, I would love more than anything to use him. ... I think a lot of people don't take into account the inevitable physical exertion that making two movies back-to-back entails.
So that said, I think that there are many possibilities to keep Ian Holm involved in the movie. I will be as tricky as I can to keep him involved. A narration would be one resource I would absolutely embrace. But as I said before, I believe he created a beautiful, memorable character. He owns it, and we have to honor that. If there is any recasting for the younger part and so forth, it will permeate that decision and affect it. At the end of the day, the answer is we will keep him as involved as humanly and physically possible.