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TS Hongroise : Competition Mail Tolkien : Catégorie Quendi
Comme chaque année, la Tolkien Society Hongroise propose une compétition de questions et d'écriture. La catégorie Quendi accueille les participations des étrangers en langue anglaise.

Il suffit d'avoir entre 15 et 35 ans et d'être un minimum fluent en anglais.

Voici les termes du concours :

Citation :Participation in the Quendi category requires a thorough knowledge of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and, perhaps, The Children of Húrin. Some questions (riddles, quizzes, etc.) will refer to other works by Tolkien, but you will have about four weeks for each round, that is, plenty of time to look up in the books everything you might need.

There will also be some creative challenges. For example, you may be asked to describe a situation, write a short poem, make a drawing or take a photograph, etc. If this demands too much of you, you can choose to do either only the 'lore' or only the 'creative' part. We would like to be proud of our participants, so we ask you to share the rights of your creative productions royalty-free. The best of your works—with due credit to authors/artists—might be published by the Hungarian Tolkien Society, e.g. on our website,, or in our journal, Lassi Laurië. Please do not publish these works yourself without consulting us first, and especially not before the deadline of the round in question.

The contest starts in the middle of October and continues until the end of March. Every month you will receive the questions of the next round, and you will have to submit your solutions until the indicated deadline. Communication will be via e-mail. Our e-mail address is, to which you should send your registration and later the solutions. Questions and comments are also welcome. We are happy to answer all your questions about the competition—except disclosing the solutions of the actual tasks.

There will be no prizes in the international category, only the public announcement of your achievement and a certificate sent by e-mail. There is no registration fee, either.

Les participants doivent s'enregistrer avant le 12 octobre en remplissant le formulaire d'inscription et en l'envoyant à l'adresse avec le sujet de mail "registration for TLV".

Formulaire en PDF
Formulaire en DOC
What's the point of all this pedantry if you can't get a detail like this right?

Messages dans ce sujet
TS Hongroise : Competition Mail Tolkien : Catégorie Quendi - par Druss - 30.09.2014, 17:55

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